Chapter 2 Basic data wrangling

2.1 What is data wrangling?

Data wrangling involves the manipulation of data into a form that is ready for visualisation. Typical steps in data wrangling often include (i) extracting the raw data and reading it into R, (ii) cleaning the data by handling missing values and outliers if any and (iii) summarising or transforming the data appropriately.

Data wrangling (marked blue) in the grand scheme of visualisation and modelling. Image taken from

Figure 2.1: Data wrangling (marked blue) in the grand scheme of visualisation and modelling. Image taken from

There is a collection of R packages for data science, collectively known as the tidyverse. This includes the dplyr and ggplot2 package which we will be using for data wrangling and visualisation respectively.

2.2 dplyr: grammar of data manipulation

The dplyr package provides a grammar for data manipulation, providing a consistent set of verbs (i.e. operations / actions) that help to solve common data manipulation challenges. These verbs include:

  • arrange() changes the ordering of the rows
  • select() picks variables based on their names
  • filter() picks cases based on their values
  • mutate() adds new variables that are functions of existing variables
  • summarise() reduces multiple values down to a single summary

There are also several other useful functions, namely:

  • pivot_wider() to change data from long to wide format
  • pivot_longer() to change data from wide to long format
  • group_by() allows one to perform operation “by group”
  • inner_join() to join two datasets

To get a better understanding of these verbs and functions, we are going to apply them to data in the subsequent subsections and observe how the data changes.

2.2.1 Converting between long and wide formats

To illustrate how the data changes under different operations, we will use a small dataframe containing some values taken from four different years (2017-2020, represented in rows) and three different countries (sgp, jpn, aus, represented in columns). This matrix-like format is called the wide format where the data is distributed both vertically and horizontally. Wide format data are often more intuitive to humans as data across two attributes (corresponding to the rows and columns) can be represented succintly.

##   year sgp jpn aus
## 1 2017 100 550 300
## 2 2018 120 575 350
## 3 2019 140 600 400
## 4 2020 160 650 450

Here, we are going to convert the data from a wide format to a long format. Long format data are list-like where the data spans vertically down the list. This is preferred in data science since each row is a single data point and the columns represents either some attribute (in this case, year/country) or the data itself (value column). Thus, data points can be easily filtered or manipulated based on the attributes, which we will see examples of later. To convert the data from wide to long, we use the pivot_longer() function. The !year argument specifies not to pivot the year column, keeping it as the first attribute. The names_to = "country" specifies the column name for the horizontal axis, in this case the country attribute. The values_to = "value" specifies the column name for the data itself, which are the numbers.

Note that we will be constantly using the %>% pipe operator here, which “connects” the dataframe to the function. Multiple %>% can then be used to apply multiple functions consecutively. In this example, we added an additonal arrange(desc(country)), which arranges the long format data in descending order according to the country.

## # A tibble: 12 x 3
##     year country value
##    <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
##  1  2017 sgp       100
##  2  2018 sgp       120
##  3  2019 sgp       140
##  4  2020 sgp       160
##  5  2017 jpn       550
##  6  2018 jpn       575
##  7  2019 jpn       600
##  8  2020 jpn       650
##  9  2017 aus       300
## 10  2018 aus       350
## 11  2019 aus       400
## 12  2020 aus       450

To convert long data into wide format, one can use the pivot_wider() function, specifying the horizontal axis via names_from = "country" and the column to populate the data via values_from = "value".

## # A tibble: 4 x 4
##    year   sgp   jpn   aus
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1  2017   100   550   300
## 2  2018   120   575   350
## 3  2019   140   600   400
## 4  2020   160   650   450

2.2.2 Subsetting data

A common task in data wrangling is to select a subset of the data based on some attribute of the data. This can be achieved by the filter() function and specifying the condition as the argument. In this example, we filter data related to the sgp country by specifying country == "sgp". == is the logical operator for “exactly equals to”. All other logical operators can also be used such as not equals !=, contains %in%, more than or equal >= and less than or equal <=. These logical operators can also be combined using the AND logic & as well as the OR logic |.

## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##    year country value
##   <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
## 1  2017 sgp       100
## 2  2018 sgp       120
## 3  2019 sgp       140
## 4  2020 sgp       160

Another way to subset the data is to select certain columns in the data. This is mainly to declutter the data and remove any unnecessary information. This is performed using the select() function and specifying the columns to keep. Here, we combined both the filtering step above and selecting for only the year and value column since the country information is no longer necessary.

## # A tibble: 4 x 2
##    year value
##   <dbl> <dbl>
## 1  2017   100
## 2  2018   120
## 3  2019   140
## 4  2020   160

2.2.3 Transforming data

Apart from subsetting data, one might want to transform the data to suit analysis needs. This can be done using the mutate() function which adds a new column of values that are functions of existing columns. The function is applied row-wise in a one-to-one manner i.e. each row will have a new value, making up a new column. In the example below, we did logval = log10(value), which creates a new column logval calculated as the log10 of the value column. The mutate() function is very versatile: (i) more complicated tasks like replacing text is possible and (ii) mutate can be applied on selected rows based on some condition.

## # A tibble: 12 x 4
##     year country value logval
##    <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1  2017 sgp       100   2   
##  2  2018 sgp       120   2.08
##  3  2019 sgp       140   2.15
##  4  2020 sgp       160   2.20
##  5  2017 jpn       550   2.74
##  6  2018 jpn       575   2.76
##  7  2019 jpn       600   2.78
##  8  2020 jpn       650   2.81
##  9  2017 aus       300   2.48
## 10  2018 aus       350   2.54
## 11  2019 aus       400   2.60
## 12  2020 aus       450   2.65

Another way to transform the data is to summarise the data, i.e. reduce multiple values to a single summary. Functions are applied in a multi-to-one manner i.e. multiple values are combined such as the sum or mean. We also seperate the data into groups and obtain summaries for each of the groups. Indeed, in the example below, we first group the data by country using group_by(country) and then calulated the sum for each country using summarise(total = sum(value)). Notice that the output only contains the country column (i.e. the column you group by) and total column (i.e. the summary).

## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   country total
##   <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 aus      1500
## 2 jpn      2375
## 3 sgp       520

2.2.4 Joining data

Another common task in data wrangling is to join two different datasets. Different information / attributes are often stored in different datasets as such compartmentalization rersults in smaller storage space. For example, here we introduce another dataframe dfAdd containing the information on which region each country belong to.

##   country  region
## 1     sgp    asia
## 2     jpn    asia
## 3     aus oceania

We can then join the previous year, country, value dataframe with this new dataframe to include regional information. This is performed using the inner_join(), specifying the new dataframe dfAdd and providing a key column by = "country" to do the join. This now gives us greater flexibility to perform data manipulation based the region. Note that there are other join functions as well, such as left_join() and outer_join(), which retains different parts of the data.

## # A tibble: 12 x 4
##     year country value region 
##    <dbl> <chr>   <dbl> <fct>  
##  1  2017 sgp       100 asia   
##  2  2018 sgp       120 asia   
##  3  2019 sgp       140 asia   
##  4  2020 sgp       160 asia   
##  5  2017 jpn       550 asia   
##  6  2018 jpn       575 asia   
##  7  2019 jpn       600 asia   
##  8  2020 jpn       650 asia   
##  9  2017 aus       300 oceania
## 10  2018 aus       350 oceania
## 11  2019 aus       400 oceania
## 12  2020 aus       450 oceania

2.3 Data wrangling on COVID-19 statistics

Now, we can apply the dplyr verbs and functions that we learnt in dechiphering COVID-19 statistics, namely the number of confirmed / recovered / deaths in each country on each day. To retrieve this data, we can use the coronavirus R package, which can be installed via install.packages("coronavirus").

2.3.1 Initial inspection of data

Before data wrangling, it is important to first get a “feel” of the data through some initial inspection. The COVID-19 statistics is first loaded via dfmain = coronavirus and the first few rows were outputted head(dfmain). We then ran the summary() function on columns containing continuous values and checked the first few unique entries for columns containing text. Notably, the data in in a long format and the type column informs whether the number of cases in cases are referring to confirmed / recovered / deaths.

##         date province     country      lat     long      type cases
## 1 2020-01-22          Afghanistan 33.93911 67.70995 confirmed     0
## 2 2020-01-23          Afghanistan 33.93911 67.70995 confirmed     0
## 3 2020-01-24          Afghanistan 33.93911 67.70995 confirmed     0
## 4 2020-01-25          Afghanistan 33.93911 67.70995 confirmed     0
## 5 2020-01-26          Afghanistan 33.93911 67.70995 confirmed     0
## 6 2020-01-27          Afghanistan 33.93911 67.70995 confirmed     0
##         Min.      1st Qu.       Median         Mean      3rd Qu. 
## "2020-01-22" "2020-03-21" "2020-05-19" "2020-05-19" "2020-07-17" 
##         Max. 
## "2020-09-14"
##  [1] ""                                 "Alberta"                         
##  [3] "Anguilla"                         "Anhui"                           
##  [5] "Aruba"                            "Australian Capital Territory"    
##  [7] "Beijing"                          "Bermuda"                         
##  [9] "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" "British Columbia"
##  [1] "Afghanistan"         "Albania"             "Algeria"            
##  [4] "Andorra"             "Angola"              "Antigua and Barbuda"
##  [7] "Argentina"           "Armenia"             "Austria"            
## [10] "Azerbaijan"
## [1] "confirmed" "death"     "recovered"
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## -16298.0      0.0      0.0    268.2      8.0 140050.0

2.3.2 No. confirmed cases in Singapore as of 1st Sep 2020

Let us do an example to determine the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Singapore as of 1st Sep 2020. Clearly, we are interested in (i) Singapore, (ii) confirmed cases and (iii) cases as of 1st Sep 2020. Thus, we filter the data based on these three criterion. We then sum up the cases to give us the total number via summarise(totalcases = sum(cases)).

##   totalcases
## 1      56852

2.3.3 Top 10 countries (confirmed cases) as of 1st Sep 2020

Next, let us determine the top 10 countries in terms of total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. To increase the challenge, we would also want to know the total number of recovered and deaths as well as the proportion of active cases i.e. confirmed - death - recovered.

To do this, we first do filter(date <= "2020-09-01") to ensure that we are in the correct timeframe. Next, we want to calculate the total number of confirmed / recovered / deaths separately for each individual country. This requires us to group the data by both country and type group_by(country, type), followed by summing the cases summarise(totalcases = sum(cases)). Next, in order to calculate the proportion of active cases, we need to have the confirmed / recovered / deaths in different columns, which we achieve by converting the data into a wide format pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = totalcases). Then, we can proceed to calculate the proportion of active cases mutate(propActive = round((confirmed-death-recovered) / confirmed, 3)). Finally, the countries are arranged in descreasing order by confirmed cases and the top 10 countries are then displayed.

## # A tibble: 10 x 5
## # Groups:   country [10]
##    country      confirmed  death recovered propActive
##    <chr>            <int>  <int>     <int>      <dbl>
##  1 US             6073840 184664   2202663      0.607
##  2 Brazil         3950931 122596   3345240      0.122
##  3 India          3769523  66333   2901908      0.213
##  4 Russia          997072  17250    813603      0.167
##  5 Peru            652037  28944    471599      0.232
##  6 South Africa    628259  14263    549993      0.102
##  7 Colombia        624026  20050    469552      0.215
##  8 Mexico          606036  65241    501722      0.064
##  9 Spain           470973  29152    150376      0.619
## 10 Argentina       428239   8919    308376      0.259